Alex Craik 氏(University of St Andrews)の特別講義を行ないます。
日時: 3月24日(水) 15:00~16:30
場所: 京都大学工学部総合校舎213号室
講師: Alex Craik氏(University of St Andrews, professor Emeritus)
題目: "Contrasting styles: Thomas Young (1773-1829) ; natural philosopher,
and William Wallace (1768-1843) mathematician."
Regarding Thomas Young, I'll talk mainly about his style of doing science and his reluctance to use mathematics. Recently, I wrote a piece about his work on fluid mechanics, which is little known, that will appear in the Journal of Engineering Mathematics, in a commemorative issue for the late Howell Peregrine. On William Wallace, I have also done some recent work.