
発表言語 英語
開催日 2012年11月16日 15時30分
終了日 2012年11月16日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 251号室
タイトル Asymptotic stability of boundary layers in plasma physics with fluid-boundary interaction  
分野 解析
講演者名大縄 将史
概要We study the asymptotic stability of a boundary layer
called sheath, which appears over a material in contact
with plasma. Two types of boundary conditions on the
electrostatic potential are considered depending on the
physical situation. In our previous works with Prof.
Shinya Nishibata and Prof. Masahiro Suzuki at Tokyo
Institute of Technology, we formulated the sheath by a
monotone stationary solution to the Euler-Poisson system
over a half space under Bohm's criterion and proved its
asymptotic stability with a boundary condition which
fixes potential value on the wall. In this talk, we take
into account the accumulation of charged particles on
the boundary due to the flux from the inner fluid, which
changes potential gradient on the boundary and further
influences the entire fluid. Our main results claim the
asymptotic stability of the stationary solution also
with this fluid-boundary interaction.