
発表言語 英語
開催日 2012年07月06日 10時30分
終了日 2012年07月06日 12時00分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 152号室
タイトル On explicit towers over finite fields  
分野 代数
講演者名Arnaldo Garcia
概要Investigating the number of points on an algebraic curve over a finite field is a classical subject
in Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry. The origins go back to Fermat, Euler and Gauss,
among many others. The basic result is A. Weil’s theorem which is equivalent to the validity of
Riemann’s Hypothesis in this context. New impulses came from Goppa’s construction of good
codes from curves with many rational points, and also from applications to cryptography.
One of the main open problems in this area of research is the determination of Ihara’s quantity
A(ℓ) for non-square finite fields; i.e., for cardinalities ℓ = p^n with p prime and n odd.
This quantity controls the asymptotic behaviour of the number of F_ℓ-rational points (places)
on algebraic curves (function fields) as the genus increases towards infinity. This is the topic of our talk.