
発表言語 日本語
開催日 2012年06月22日 15時30分
終了日 2012年06月22日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 251号室
タイトル Decay structure for symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation  
分野 解析
講演者名上田 好寛
概要In this talk, we consider the initial value problem for symmetric hyperbolic systems. When the systems satisfy the Shizuta-Kawashima condition, we can obtain the asymptotic stability result and the explicit rate of convergence. There are, however, some physical models which do not satisfy the Shizuta-Kawashima condition (cf. Timoshenko system, Euler-Maxwell system). Moreover, it had already known that the dissipative structure of these systems is weaker than the standard type. Our purpose of this talk is to construct a new condition which include the Shizuta-Kawashima condition, and to analyze the weak dissipative structure.