
発表言語 日本語
開催日 2012年06月08日 15時30分
終了日 2012年06月08日 18時00分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 251号室
タイトル Asymptotics of small exterior Navier-Stokes flows with nonhomogeneous boundary data 
分野 解析
講演者名三浦 英之
概要We consider the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes flows in an exterior domain with small boundary data which do not necessarily decay in time. We prove that the spatial asymptotics of a time periodic flow is given by a Landau solution. We next show that if the boundary datum is time-periodic and the initial datum is asymptotically homogeneous with order -1, the solution converges to the sum of a time-periodic vector field and a forward self-similar vector field as time goes to infinity. This is joint work with Kyungkuen Kang and Tai-Peng Tsai.