
発表言語 英語
開催日 2012年01月20日 15時30分
終了日 2012年01月20日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 251号室
タイトル Cauchy problem of the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system on the plane 
分野 解析
講演者名Noriko Mizoguchi
講演者所属Tokyo Gakugei University
概要This talk is concerned with the existence of global solutions
to Cauchy problem of the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system on the plane,
where and denote the density of cells and of chemical substance, respectively.
There are a lot of papers of simplified chemotaxis system whose second equation is elliptic.
In such a system, is a critical mass of that separates the blowup and the global existence.
However the original system has not been quite studied.
I show that if mass of is less than or equal to , then the solution exists globally in time.
Moreover the existence of forward self-similar solutions with mass of greater than is mentioned.