概要 | 閉多様体のChas-Sullivanループ積を含むストリング作用素は, F lix,
適切な微分代数の導来圏上でストリング・トポロジーを展開できる。本講演では, Gorenstein空間について概説し,
講演内容はLuc Menichi氏(Angers Univ.)と内藤貴仁氏(信州大学)との共同研究に基づく。
String topology of Chas and Sullivan describes a rich structure in the
homology of the free loop space of a closed oriented manifold. The
most basic operation is an intersection type product on the shifted
homology. The key to defining these operations is to construct wrong
way maps on the homology of manifolds. In this talk we will give a
brief overview of Gorenstein spaces, which is no longer a manifold in
general, and discuss such important maps on the spaces with a
remarkable result due to Felix and Thomas. The setting enables us to
develop string topology in the derived category of differential graded
modules over the singular cochain algebra of a Gorenstein space. In
particular, the duals to loop (co)products can be described in terms
of differential torsion functors.
This is joint work with Luc Mencihi (Angers University) and Takahito
Naito (Shinshu University).