
発表言語 英語
開催日 2011年12月02日 14時40分
終了日 2011年12月02日 15時30分
タイトル A nontrivial structure of the set of all proper colourings on a lattice 
分野 解析
講演者名Roman Kotecky
概要A possibility of a non-trivial structure arising in the uniform distribution on the set of all proper colourings of a regular lattice has been an intriguing conjecture for quite a long time. Recently it was shown that this is the case for 3-colourings on a particular class of lattices lattice (diced lattice). The main idea is based upon an evaluation of the probability of events with distinct coexisting patterns linked with a necessity of passing over appropriately defined "entropic barriers". Based on joint papers with J. Salas and A. Sokal and J. Swart.