
発表言語 英語
開催日 2011年07月06日 16時30分
終了日 2011年07月06日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 110講演室
タイトル 鏡映5次3次元多様体の対数的混合ホッジ理論からの眺め (A view of mirror quintic 3-folds through log mixed Hodge theory) 
分野 代数
講演者名Sampei Usui
講演者所属Osaka University
概要As a joint work of Kazuya Kato, Chikara Nakayama, and Usui,
various partial compactifications of a classifying space D of
mixed Hodge structures were constructed, and their relation was
described as a fundamental diagram.
We will observe mirror quintic 3-folds in this framework.
The following were known:
- A large complex structure limit point is a boundary point of
a toroidal partial compactification of a quotient of D.
- The canonical coordinate is a cusp form at this boundary point.
- Generic global Torelli theorem holds.
The fundamental diagram itself seems to be more closely related
with mirror symmetry.
備考16:00-16:30 105談話室でtea

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