
発表言語 英語
開催日 2010年12月10日 10時30分
終了日 2010年12月10日 12時00分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 152号室
タイトル Completions and Branched Covers 
分野 代数
講演者名Daniel Allcock
概要Many spaces of interest in algebraic geometry have covering spaces which are complements of hyperplane arrangements in various spaces. We study the metric-space completion of the universal cover of such a hyperplane complement. We show that under a certain local condition on the arrangement, the universal cover is contractible. We conjecture that this condition holds for the arrangement of a finite Coxeter group, and show that this conjecture implies the contractibility of (for example) the universal covers of the discriminant complements of all of Arnol'd's unimodal singularities.