
発表言語 英語
開催日 2009年12月11日 13時30分
終了日 2009年12月11日 15時00分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 110講演室
タイトル Minimal surfaces with 3D-XplorMath and Maple 
分野 解析
講演者名Takashi Sakai
講演者所属Tokyo Metropolitan University
概要In recent years, the mathematical visualization became familiar as the computer technology has developed. In this talk, first I would like to introduce a free software 3D-XplorMath, which is established by R. Palais and his team. 3D-XplorMath consists of several gallaries related to subjects of mathematics. One of the most developed gallary is Surface Gallary. The surface theory has developed explosively with the technology of computer graphics. I would like to explain the construction of minimal surfaces from holomorphic potential (Weierstrass-Enneper representation formula), and the method to create graphics of minimal surfaces using 3D-XplorMath and Maple.