
発表言語 日本語
開催日 2009年12月09日 16時30分
終了日 2009年12月09日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 110講演室
タイトル Derived equivalences and Auslander-Yoneda algebras 
分野 代数
講演者名Changchang Xi
概要As is well-known, derived category and derived equivalence are
widely used in many different branches in mathematics. In the modern
representation theory of algebras and groups, they are also of
particular interest. The following are three of the fundamental
questions in studying derived equivalences:

(1) How to characterize derived equivalences ?

(2) How to decide two given derived categories (or algebras) being
derived-equivalent ?

(3) How to construct new derived equivalences from given ones?

The first question was answered by Rickard's beautiful Morita
theory for derived categories. The second question is hard, and
still open (just think of Broue's abelian defect group conjecture).
As to the last question, not much is known.

In this talk, we shall mainly consider the last question and provide
partial answers from algebraic point of view. Roughly speaking, we
shall give two methods to construct derived equivalences: One is to
form the so-called $\Phi$-Auslander-Yoneda algebras of generators,
or cogenerators, and the other is to form endomorphism algebras of
modules appearing in an almost split sequence. We apply these
methods to Frobenius algebras.

We shall start with basic definitions and examples, and present some
recent results in this direction.