
発表言語 日本語
開催日 2009年11月06日 13時00分
終了日 2009年11月06日 14時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 152号室
タイトル Tyurin's isomorphism via spherical twists 
分野 代数
講演者名Timothy Logvinenko
講演者所属University of Liverpool
概要Tyurin's isomorphism is a birational isomorphism between a
smooth projective K3 surface X and the moduli space of
stable sheaves on X with the Mukai vector (/2,,D,1),
which was constructed by Tyurin for two classes of divisors
D on X - for D ample and for D with (D) =0.
We describe a categorification of moduli correspondences of
K3 surfaces, showing that isomorphisms between moduli spaces
correspond to certain autoequivalences of the derived category D(X).
We show that both Tyurin's constructions are induced naturally
by the same composition of a pair of spherical twists in D(X).
We then apply this towards extending Tyurin's result to any D
with 0.