発表言語 |
開催日 |
2009年10月29日 10時30分
終了日 |
2009年10月29日 12時30分
開催場所 | 京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 552号室 |
セミナー名 | 表現論セミナー |
タイトル |
Varieties of nilpotent orbits, modular invariant representations of Kac-Moody algebras, and lisse representation of affine W-algebras |
分野 |
代数 幾何 解析
講演者名 | Tomoyuki Arakawa |
講演者所属 | Nara WU |
概要 | In my talk I will discuss the relationship among the
following three topics:
(1) Some class of varieties of nilpotent orbits such as {x in g; (ad
x)^n=0}, where g is a simple Lie algebra and n is an even integer;
(2) Modular invariant representations (Kac-Wakimoto admissible
representations) of Kac-Moody algebras;
(3) Lisse (or -cofinite) representations of affine W-algebras,
which can be considered as quantization of infinite jet schemes of
special transversal slices (Slodowy slices).
As a consequence I will prove the cofintiness of all (non-
principal) exceptional W-algebras recently discovered by Kac-Wakimoto.
In fact I will show there are more -cofinite W-algebras. This
gives a new, huge examples of cofinite vertex operator algebras. |