
発表言語 英語
開催日 2009年07月29日 14時00分
終了日 2009年07月29日 15時00分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 305号室
タイトル Discrete Morse Theory for Arrangements of Hyperplanes 
分野 幾何
講演者名Emanuele Delucchi
講演者所属State University of New York
備考 The topological space obtained by removing a set of hyperplanes
from a finite dimensional complex vector space has many interesting
features. For instance, every such space is {\em minimal} - in the sense
that it has the homotopy type of a CW complex with as many cells in every
dimension as there are generators of the corresponding homology group. The
central question about complements of hyperplane arrangements is to study
to what extent the topology of the complement is determined by the
combinatorics of the pattern of intersections of the hyperplanes.

The goal of the talk is to introduce some basics of the theory of
hyperplane arrangements and to show that the above-mentioned minimality
property can be deduced from purely combinatorial considerations (at least
in the case where the hyperplanes are defined by real linear forms). The
techniques and ideas used thereby bear independent and general interest.