
発表言語 日本語
開催日 2013年12月18日 16時30分
終了日 2013年12月18日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 110講演室
タイトル Stationary waves to symmetric hyperbolic-parabolic systems in half space 
分野 代数
講演者名西畑 伸也
概要 we consider the large-time behavior of solutions to
hyperbolic-parabolic coupled systems in the half line.
Assuming that
the systems admit the entropy function, we may
rewrite them to symmetric forms.
For these symmetrizable hyperbolic-parabolic systems,
we first prove the existence of the stationary solution.
In the case
where one eigenvalue of Jacobian matrix appeared in a
stationary problem is zero, we assume that the
characteristics field corresponding to the zero eigenvalue
is genuine non-linear in order to show the existence of a
degenerate stationary solution. We also prove that the stationary solution
is time asymptotically stable under a smallness assumption
on the initial perturbation. The key to the proof is to derive
the uniform a priori estimates by using the energy method in
half space developed by Matsumura and Nishida as well as the
stability condition of Shizuta-Kawashima type.
These theorems for the general hyperbolic-parabolic system
cover the compressible Navier-Stokes
equation for heat conductive gas.
備考 *** Program ***

15:00〜16:00 桂田 英典 氏(室蘭工業大・理)
16:00〜16:30 105談話室でtea
16:30〜17:30 西畑 伸也 氏(東工大・情報理工)

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