
発表言語 英語
開催日 2013年11月13日 14時40分
終了日 2013年11月13日 15時40分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 110講演室
タイトル Free probability and quantum information theory  
分野 代数
講演者名Benois Collins
講演者所属University of Ottawa
概要 Free probability was introduced in the early eighties by Voiculescu. It was initially a field at the intersection of non-commutative probability theory and operator algebras. Soon it evolved into a very versatile tool with deep connections to random matrix theory, combinatorics, and many applications. Today, we will discuss a recently uncovered application of free probability, to quantum information theory. In particular, we will explain why free probability allows to understand in depth the celebrated random counter-examples to the minimum output entropy additivity problem for quantum channels.
備考 *** Program ***

14:40-15:40: Benois Collins
15:40-16:30: tea break @109
16:30-17:30: Kenji Fukaya

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