
発表言語 英語
開催日 2013年07月05日 10時30分
終了日 2013年07月05日 12時00分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 152号室
タイトル The Schottky Problem in Genus Five 
分野 代数
講演者名Kazuhiko Yamaki
講演者所属Kyoto University
概要Let be a hyperelliptic vertex-weighted graph of genus . We give a characterization of for which there exists a smooth projective curve of genus over a complete discrete valuation field with reduction graph such that the ranks of any divisors are preserved under specialization. We explain, for a given vertex-weighted graph in general, how the existence of such relates the Riemann--Roch formulae for and , and also how the existence of such is related to a conjecture of Caporaso. This is a joint work with S. Kawaguchi.