
発表言語 英語
開催日 2013年05月31日 15時30分
終了日 2013年05月31日 17時30分
開催場所京都大学理学部3号館 (数学教室) 251号室
タイトル Serrin's criterion on various compressible models and its applications 
分野 解析
講演者名Xiangdi Huang
講演者所属Osaka University/Chinese Academy of Sciences
概要 In this talk, blowup criteria for strong and classical
solutions of the three dimensional compressible flows are
considered. We extend the well known Serrin's regularity
criterion for Navier-Stokes equations to various
compressible models, from baratropic flow to viscous
compressible and heat conducting magnetohydrodynamic flows.
As an application, we will establish some existence of
global solution for compressible flows with vacuum and
large oscillations.