概要 | A polyhedral product is a space constructed from a family of pairs of
spaces and a combinatorial data of a simplicial complex K. It is an old
object in homotopy theory, and recently, special polyhedral products,
called the Davis-Januszkiewicz space and the moment-angle complex for K,
gather attention since they have proved to be useful in studying certain
group actions on spaces. These spaces are also important
cohomologically; the cohomology of Davis-Januszkiewicz space and the
moment-angle complex for K are identified with the Stanley Reisner ring
of K and its derived algebra, respectively. So we might expect some
algebraic and combinatorial properties of Stanley-Reisner rings are
deduced from topological properties of polyhedral products, and there
are several confirming results. In this talk, I show a wedge
decomposition of certain polyhedral products for the Alexander dual of
shellable and sequentially Cohen-Macaulay complexes (including
moment-angle complexes), which implies Golodness of these complexes due
to Herzog, Reiner and Welker.
This talk is based a joint work with Kouyemon Iriye (Osaka Pref. Univ.).
間である. ホモトピー論においては古くから知られているものであり, 近年, K
間への群作用の研究において有用であることがわかって以来, 注目を集めてい
る. これらの空間はコホモロジー的にも重要である; KのDavis-Januszkiewicz空
来代数とみなせる. よって, Stanley-Reisner環の代数的, 組み合わせ的性質で
多面体積の位相的性質から導かれるものがあると期待され, これを保証する結果
もいくつか知られている. 本講演ではshellable複体とsequentially Cohen-
Macaulay複体のAlexander双対に付随するある多面体積 (moment-angle複体を含
む) のウェッジ和による分解を示し, Herzog, ReinerとWelkerによるこれらの複
本講演は入江幸右衛門さん(大阪府大)との共同研究に基づいている. |