
Language English
From 2011/12/16 15:00
To 2011/12/16 16:00
PlaceRoom 251, Building No.3, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Seminar NameNLPDE Seminar
Title On the fractal dimension of divergence sets for Schdinger equations 
Field Analysis
SpeakersKeith Rogers
AffiliationInstituto de Ciencias Mathematicas
AbstractWe will consider the Schrdinger equation, , in , with initial data in potential spaces . Carleson proved that the solution converges, almost everywhere with respect to Lebesgue measure, to along the straight lines as when. We improve this result in two ways. Firstly we show that the convergence holds everywhere apart from a set of Hausdorff dimension less than or equal to when , and that this is sharp.
Secondly we will prove that the convergence holds when the straight lines are replaced by continuously differentiable curves. This allows us to refine results of Sjgren--Torrea and Yajima for the quantum harmonic oscillator.
This is joint work with J.A. Barcel, J. Bennett, A. Carbery and S. Lee.