
Language English
From 2011/08/31 15:00
To 2011/08/31 16:00
PlaceRoom 251, Building No.3, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Seminar NameNLPDE Seminar
Title Explicit Formula for the Solution of the Cubic Szeg? Equation on the Real Line and its Applications¡¡
Field Analysis
SpeakersOana Pocovnicu
AffiliationUniversite Paris-Sud, Orsay
AbstractIn this talk we consider the cubic Szeg? equation: i u_t = Pi_+
(|u|^2u) on the real line,
where Pi_+ is the Szeg? projector onto non-negative frequencies.
This equation was introduced as a model of a non-dispersive Hamiltonian
Like 1-d cubic NLS and KdV, it is known to be completely integrable in the
sense that it possesses a Lax pair structure.
As a consequence, it has an infinite sequence of conservation laws, that
can all be controlled by the H^{1/2}-norm.
First, we present an explicit formula for the solutions. Then, as an
application, we prove soliton resolution in H^s, s>0,
for "generic" data. Namely, we show that solutions with generic rational
functions as initial data can be decomposed in H^s,
for all s>0, into a sum of solitons plus a remainder, as time tends to
infinity. As for non-generic rational function data,
we construct an example for which soliton resolution holds only in H^s,
0< s < 1/2, while the high Sobolev norms grow
to infinity over time. In the last part of the talk we show that the Szeg?
equation is the first approximation
of a non-linear wave equation with well-prepared initial condition. As a
we give an example of solution of the non-linear wave equation
for which the high Sobolev norms grow relatively to the initial condition.