
Language English
From 2011/05/27 10:30
To 2011/05/27 12:00
PlaceRoom 152, Building No.3, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Seminar NameAlgebra Geometrical Seminar
Title Log pluricanonical representations and abundance conjecture¡¡
Field Algebra
SpeakersYoshinori Gongyo
AffiliationThe University of Tokyo
AbstractIn this talk, I will talk about the finiteness of log pluricanonical represe
ntations and the abundance conjecture for semi-log canonical pairs. Actually
we prove the fi niteness of log pluricanonical representations¡¡for project
ive log canonical pairs with semi-ample log canonical divisor. As a corollar
y, we obtain that the log canonical divisor of a projective semi log canonic
al pair is semi-ample if and only if so is the log canonical divisor of its
normalization. This is joint work with O. Fujino.