
Language English
From 2010/01/08 10:30
To 2010/01/08 12:00
PlaceRoom 152, Building No.3, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Seminar NameAlgebra Geometrical Seminar
Title Log minimal model program for moduli spaces of pointed curves 
Field Algebra
SpeakersDavid Smyth
Abstract The space of Deligne-Mumford stable curves gives a beautiful compactif
ication of the space of smooth curves which has connections to many areas of
mathematics. In this talk, we will discuss alternate stability conditions f
or pointed curves in which the curve may acquire more exotic singularities s
uch as cusps, tacnodes, and planar triple-points, and the marked points may
collide. Each of these alternate stability conditions gives rise to a birati
onal contraction of the space of Deligne-Mumford stable curves. In particula
r, we obtain sufficiently many contractions to run a minimal model program o
n the space of pointed stable curves of genus one.