
Language English
From 2013/10/15 17:00
To 2013/10/15 18:30
PlaceRoom 809, Building No.6, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Seminar NameKUAMS seminar
Title Interfacial dynamics and free boundary problems for oscillating membrane motions 
Field Analysis
SpeakersElliott Ginder
AffiliationRIES, Hokkaido University
AbstractWe will present results on a model equation related to droplet and bubble motions. The target equation is a hyperbolic free boundary problem with volume and contact angle constraints. By constructing a minimizing movement, we are able to approximate the evolution and we show how to obtain the convergence to a weak solution in the one-dimensional (spatial) setting. A different approach is needed for the case of "overhanging" contact angles, and so we have developed an approximation method, using thresholding dynamics, for computing motion by multiphase, volume preserving, mean curvature flow (with prescribed contact angles). Since this approach only specifies the velocity of the interface, we will also consider the case where the interface is allowed to oscillate. The numerical methods for our approximation schemes have also been constructed and we would also like to show the numerical results of their implementation. This is joint work with K. Svadlenka.