
Language English
From 2013/07/10 16:30
To 2013/07/10 17:30
PlaceRoom 110, RIMS, Kyoto University
Seminar NameColloquium
Title Steinberg groups and Kac-Moody groups 
Field Algebra
SpeakersDaniel Allcock
Affiliation京大・数理研 & University of Texas
Abstract Kac-Moody groups are infinite-dimensional Lie groups over arbitrary
fields or even commutative rings. Tits defined them by writing down
a presentation inspired by the work of Chevalley and Steinberg. This
presentation is "very" infinite, even over a finite field. We found
a simple presentation that improves on existing presentations even
in the classical case.
In particular, one can write down exotic groups like "E10(Z)" easily.
(This particular group is of interest in physics.)
Note16:00-16:30 tea @ lobby

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